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Golden Royal Chrysanthemum 金絲皇菊



Sale price$11.00 USD

Sold Out - next shipment next Spring 2025

Golden Royal Chrysanthemum 金絲皇

  • delicate, mild sweet, refreshing

This variety of chrysanthemum is renowned not only for its beautiful appearance but also for its significance in traditional medicine. The flowers with the center adorned with golden stamens, have inspired its name.

In traditional Chinese medicine, Chrysanthemum is believed to possess heat-clearing and detoxifying properties. It is commonly used to treat symptoms such as feverish colds, sore throat, or skin inflammations. Additionally, it is one of the ingredients used to make chrysanthemum tea, which is thought to aid in clearing heat, improving eyesight, and alleviating eye fatigue.

  • Antioxidant Level: Ultra high
  • Caffeine Content: None - Caffeine Free
  • Origin: Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
  • Product Code: FH453

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