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New Arrival Teaware

New Arrival Teaware

Brand new products! Items from our latest shipment that we know you're going to love.

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Lotus White Porcelain Portable Tea Set 白瓷荷花旅行套裝Lotus White Porcelain Portable Tea Set 白瓷荷花旅行套裝
Joy of the Sky Ru Ware Portable Tea Set 汝窯天青喜樂旅行套裝Joy of the Sky Ru Ware Portable Tea Set 汝窯天青喜樂旅行套裝
Little Orchid Portable Tea Set with Carrying Bag 小蘭花憶然壺一壺二杯Little Orchid Portable Tea Set with Carrying Bag 小蘭花憶然壺一壺二杯
Glass Gaiwan Brewing Set 玻璃自動泡組Glass Gaiwan Brewing Set 玻璃自動泡組
Ruyi Tea Tray (M) 如意盛水茶盤 (中)Ruyi Tea Tray (M) 如意盛水茶盤 (中)
Ruyi Tea Tray (S) 如意盛水茶盤 (小)Ruyi Tea Tray (S) 如意盛水茶盤 (小)
Jiangnan River Tea Tray (M) 重竹江南盛水茶盤 (中)Jiangnan River Tea Tray (M) 重竹江南盛水茶盤 (中)
Jiangnan River Tea Tray (S) 重竹江南盛水茶盤 (小)Jiangnan River Tea Tray (S) 重竹江南盛水茶盤 (小)
Walnut Ceremonial Tea Tray 胡桃木茶盤Walnut Ceremonial Tea Tray 胡桃木茶盤
Thousand Flowers Gaiwan 萬花懸停蓋碗Thousand Flowers Gaiwan 萬花懸停蓋碗
Bamboo Love Hand-Painted Gaiwan 手繪竹子懸停蓋碗Bamboo Love Hand-Painted Gaiwan 手繪竹子懸停蓋碗
The Sunflower - Green Gaiwan 汝窯豆青葵花蓋碗The Sunflower - Green Gaiwan 汝窯豆青葵花蓋碗
Plum Blossom White Glazed Gaiwan 冰白釉冰梅蓋碗Plum Blossom White Glazed Gaiwan 冰白釉冰梅蓋碗
Two Piece Gaiwan 兩才白蓋碗Two Piece Gaiwan 兩才白蓋碗
Two Piece Gaiwan 兩才白蓋碗 LTwo Piece Gaiwan 兩才白蓋碗
The Sunflower - Pastel Yellow Gaiwan 汝窯豆黃葵花蓋碗The Sunflower - Pastel Yellow Gaiwan 汝窯豆黃葵花蓋碗
Silky Harmony Gaiwan 青釉初心蓋碗Silky Harmony Gaiwan 青釉初心蓋碗
Virid Beauty Gaiwan 豆青初心蓋碗Virid Beauty Gaiwan 豆青初心蓋碗
Royal Indigo Gaiwan 霁藍初心蓋碗Royal Indigo Gaiwan 霁藍初心蓋碗
Glossy Red Gaiwan 霁紅初心蓋碗Glossy Red Gaiwan 霁紅初心蓋碗
Sky Clear Gaiwan 霁青初心蓋碗Sky Clear Gaiwan 霁青初心蓋碗
Moon Breeze Full Ceremonial Tea Set  宋瓷影青靜默汝月清風大套裝Moon Breeze Full Ceremonial Tea Set  宋瓷影青靜默汝月清風大套裝
Auspicious Bamboo 吉祥安康-紅竹水仙Auspicious Bamboo Tea Set 吉祥安康-紅竹水仙
Lotus Beauty Enamel Finished Tea Set 琺瑯彩荷荷美旅行套裝Lotus Beauty Enamel Finished Tea Set 琺瑯彩荷荷美旅行套裝
Ru Ware Tea Set with Tray 汝窯小提壺凝香杯盤子套裝Ru Ware Tea Set with Tray 汝窯小提壺凝香杯盤子套裝
Celadon China Teapot 青瓷三代單壺Celadon China Teapot 青瓷三代單壺
The Era Lacquered Teapot 漆器三代壺The Era Lacquered Teapot 漆器三代壺
Contentment Tea Tray 事事如意干泡盤Contentment Tea Tray 事事如意干泡盤
Happy Persimmon Octagon Tray 柿柿如意八角壺承Happy Persimmon Octagon Tray 柿柿如意八角壺承
Jingdezhen Comic Design Tray 景德鎮陶干泡盤Jingdezhen Comic Design Tray 景德鎮陶干泡盤
Lotus Heart Sutra Tea Tray 蓮蓬心經干泡盤Lotus Heart Sutra Tea Tray 蓮蓬心經干泡盤
Bamboo Melamine Round Tea tray (M) 竹絞密胺茶盤 (中)Bamboo Melamine Round Tea Tray (M) 竹絞密胺茶盤 (中)
Bamboo Melamine Round Tea tray (S) 竹絞密胺茶盤 (小)Bamboo Melamine Round Tea Tray (S) 竹絞密胺茶盤 (小)
Yuanbao Coasters 元寶杯墊Yuanbao Coasters 元寶杯墊
Yuanbao Coasters 元寶杯墊 Sale price$54.00 USD
Three-Petal Coasters 三瓣杯墊Three-Petal Coasters 三瓣杯墊
Tea Pet Gourd with Frog 大葫蘆青蛙Tea Pet Gourd with Frog 大葫蘆青蛙
Jianzhan Cup Blue Unicorn 建盞吳繼旺藍麒麟燈盞杯Jianzhan Cup Blue Unicorn 建盞吳繼旺藍麒麟燈盞杯
Delightful Charm 妙趣一口盏Delightful Charm 妙趣一口盏
Flourishing Blossoms 芳華-萬花杯Flourishing Blossoms 芳華-萬花杯
Abundant Offspring, Abundant Blessings 多子多福-高足杯Abundant Offspring, Abundant Blessings 多子多福-高足杯
Plum Dwelling in Serene Shadows 和靖愛梅圖Plum Dwelling in Serene Shadows 和靖愛梅圖
Beautiful Happiness 美好幸福 -團花牡丹Beautiful Happiness 美好幸福 -團花牡丹
Swift Success 馬到成功-年畫童子-手繪秞下五彩Swift Success 馬到成功-年畫童子-手繪秞下五彩
Rising Prosperity 旺氣冲天 -年畫童子-手繪秞下五彩Rising Prosperity 旺氣冲天 -年畫童子-手繪秞下五彩
Terracotta Teapot - 蓮蓬 Lotus EssenceYixing Terracotta Teapot - Lotus Essence 蓮蓬
Terracotta Teapot -  竹林 Bamboo GroveYixing Terracotta Teapot -  Bamboo Grove 竹林
Yixing Terracotta Teapot - Rich Jade 小潤玉壷Yixing Terracotta Teapot - Rich Jade 小潤玉壷
Black Ebony Display Stand 黑檀木底座Black Ebony Display Stand 黑檀木底座

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