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Organic Keemun Black 安徽 (有機)祁門紅茶



Sale price$24.00 CAD

 Organic Keemun Black 安徽 (有機)祁門紅茶

  • rich, light fruity
  • boost heart health, flavonoids (antioxidants), reduce blood sugar

Keemun (Qi Men) is a black Chinese tea with a winey and fruity taste. One of China’s famous teas and one of the three major black teas in the world. It used to be the Royal Tea in the UK. It is an iconic black tea from Qimen county in Anhui Province. The small village is blessed by nature, nestled in mountains, mild weather with sufficient rainfall and sunlight and fertile soil, making it the perfect place to grow tea.

"Keemun" also known as "Qimen" during the colonial era. Qimen did not have any black tea plantation until the mid 19th century. This area was known for green tea at the time. It was not until local merchant who had been inspired by the growing popularity of black tea in Britain decided to pioneer producing black tea in Qimen.

The aroma of Keemun is fruity, with hints of pine, dried plum and floweriness; a distinctive and balanced taste. It also displays a hint of longan and orchid aroma.

  • Antioxidant Level: Low
  • Caffeine Content: Medium
  • Origin: Anhui , China
  • Organic Certification: IMO Switzerland
  • Product Code: BA207
Organic Keemun Black 安徽 (有機)祈門紅茶
Organic Keemun Black 安徽 (有機)祁門紅茶 Sale price$24.00 CAD

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